Coral Vozes da Seove

by Carlos André Cabral

Music & Audio


The Coral Voices of SEOVE was founded in 1998 by a group of people who attended the spiritual center Albano Metello in Spiritualist Society Workers of Eternal Life -SEOVE, located in the Campeche neighborhood in the city of Florianópolis / SC.      The group met every Saturday afternoon to rehearse songs that had a Christian message of love, peace, hope and joy.      Over time, some members left, others arrived, but the coral remained firm in the proposal to highlight the educational role and regenerating the music within the moral edification of man process, awakening a new awareness in those who sing and hear .      The Coral Voices of SEOVE since its foundation is coordinated by Regent Daisy Feller, who currently has approximately 28 singers distributed in nipes, Soprano, Contralto and Tenor. The repertoire consists of spirit and popular songs.            Registration for the entry of new singers in Coral Voices of SEOVE, are open in the months of March and July and the minimum age is 15 years.The rehearsals take place every Saturday from 16: 30h to 18: 30h in the Spiritualist Society Workers of Eternal Life - SEOVE.